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Latest News
  • Online availability of application forms and prospectus : 01/07/2017
  • Online candidate registration : Upto 18/08/2017  5.00 pm
  • Publication of provisional rank list & trial allotment : 24/08/2017
  • Data modification, if any, by applicants/re-arrangement/addition/deletion of options : 24/08/2017 to 25/08/2017 5.00 pm
  • First allotment : 31/08/2017
  • Online remittance of fee due to University  and reporting for admission in colleges : 31/08/2017 to 08/09/217
  • Facility for option modification (re-arrangement & deletion only) : 09/09/2017 to 11/09/2017
  • Second allotment : 15/09/2017
  • Online remittance of fee due to University  and reporting for admission in colleges : 15/09/2017 to 19/09/2017
  • Facility for option modification (re-arrangement & deletion only) : 20/09/2017
  • Third Allotment : 23/09/2017
  • Online remittance of fee due to University  and reporting for admission in colleges : 23/09/2017 to 26/09/2017
  • Commencement of classes : 18/09/2017
  • Online candidate registration for First Special allotment for SC/ST candidates : 27/09/2017 & 29/09/2017
  • First Online Special allotment  I for SC/ST candidates : 04/10/2017
  • Online remittance of fee due to University  and reporting for admission in colleges (First Special allotment) : 04/10/2017 & 05/10/2017
  • Facility for option modification (re-arrangement & deletion only) for Second Special allotment for SC/ST candidates : 06/10/2017 & 07/10/2017
  • Second Online Special allotment  for SC/ST candidates : 10/10/2017
  • Reporting for admission in colleges (Second Special allotment) : 10/10/2017 & 11/10/2017
  • Online candidate registration for supplementary allotment : 12/10/2017 to 14/10/2017
  • First Supplementary allotment : 19/10/2017
  • Online remittance of fee due to University  and reporting for admission in colleges (First Supplementary allotment) : 19/10/2017 to 20/10/2017
  • Facility for option modification (re-arrangement & deletion only) : 21/10/2017 to 22/10/2017
  • Second Supplementary Allotment : 24/10/2017
  • Online remittance of fee due to University  and reporting for admission in colleges (Second Supplementary allotment) : 24/10/2017 & 25/10/2017
  • Online candidate registration for final allotment : 26/10/2017 to 27/10/2017
  • Publication of the first allotment list of the Final Allotment : 31/10/2017
  • Online Payment fee due to University & Reporting for admission in colleges (first allotment list of the Final Allotment) : 31/10/2017 to 01/11/2017
  • Publication of the second allotment list of the Final Allotment : 03/11/2017
  • Online Payment fee due to University & Reporting for admission in colleges (second allotment list of the Final Allotment) : 03/11/2017 to 04/11/2017
  • Publication of the third allotment list of the Final Allotment : 07/11/2017
  • Online Payment fee due to University & Reporting for admission in colleges (third allotment list of the Final Allotment) : 07/11/2017 to 08/11/2017
  • Publication of the fourth allotment list of the Final Allotment : 10/11/2017
  • Online Payment fee due to University & Reporting for admission in colleges (fourth allotment list of the Final Allotment) : 10/11/2017 to 13/11/2017
  • Closing of admission : 13/11/2017
  • Last date for the entry of admitted students in the online admission portal : 13/11/2017 11 pm
PGCAP-2017 Schedule at a glance
Online availability of application forms and prospectus : 01/07/2017
Online candidate registration : Upto 18/08/2017  5.00 pm
Publication of provisional rank list & trial allotment : 24/08/2017
Data modification, if any, by applicants/re-arrangement/addition/deletion of options : 24/08/2017 to 25/08/2017 5.00 pm
First allotment : 31/08/2017
Online remittance of fee due to University  and reporting for admission in colleges : 31/08/2017 to 08/09/217
Facility for option modification (re-arrangement & deletion only) : 09/09/2017 to 11/09/2017
Second allotment : 15/09/2017
Online remittance of fee due to University  and reporting for admission in colleges : 15/09/2017 to 19/09/2017
Facility for option modification (re-arrangement & deletion only) : 20/09/2017
Third Allotment : 23/09/2017
Online remittance of fee due to University  and reporting for admission in colleges : 23/09/2017 to 26/09/2017
Commencement of classes : 18/09/2017
Online candidate registration for First Special allotment for SC/ST candidates : 27/09/2017 & 29/09/2017
First Online Special allotment  I for SC/ST candidates : 04/10/2017
Online remittance of fee due to University  and reporting for admission in colleges (First Special allotment) : 04/10/2017 & 05/10/2017
Facility for option modification (re-arrangement & deletion only) for Second Special allotment for SC/ST candidates : 06/10/2017 & 07/10/2017
Second Online Special allotment  for SC/ST candidates : 10/10/2017
Reporting for admission in colleges (Second Special allotment) : 10/10/2017 & 11/10/2017
Online candidate registration for supplementary allotment : 12/10/2017 to 14/10/2017
First Supplementary allotment : 19/10/2017
Online remittance of fee due to University  and reporting for admission in colleges (First Supplementary allotment) : 19/10/2017 to 20/10/2017
Facility for option modification (re-arrangement & deletion only) : 21/10/2017 to 22/10/2017
Second Supplementary Allotment : 24/10/2017
Online remittance of fee due to University  and reporting for admission in colleges (Second Supplementary allotment) : 24/10/2017 & 25/10/2017
Online candidate registration for final allotment : 26/10/2017 to 27/10/2017
Publication of the first allotment list of the Final Allotment : 31/10/2017
Online Payment fee due to University & Reporting for admission in colleges (first allotment list of the Final Allotment) : 31/10/2017 to 01/11/2017
Publication of the second allotment list of the Final Allotment : 03/11/2017
Online Payment fee due to University & Reporting for admission in colleges (second allotment list of the Final Allotment) : 03/11/2017 to 04/11/2017
Publication of the third allotment list of the Final Allotment : 07/11/2017
Online Payment fee due to University & Reporting for admission in colleges (third allotment list of the Final Allotment) : 07/11/2017 to 08/11/2017
Publication of the fourth allotment list of the Final Allotment : 10/11/2017
Online Payment fee due to University & Reporting for admission in colleges (fourth allotment list of the Final Allotment) : 10/11/2017 to 13/11/2017
Closing of admission : 13/11/2017
Last date for the entry of admitted students in the online admission portal : 13/11/2017 11 pm